Python Arrays
An array is a data structure that can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. In Python, this functionality is provided by the list type, but there’s also a module called array which provides more functionality.
Creating Arrays
In Python, we can create an array using the array module or just using lists. Here’s an example of creating an array with the array module:

Here, 'd' is a type code indicating the type of the array elements. In this case, it's a double precision float.
If you prefer to use lists, it's as simple as:

Accessing Array Elements
You can access elements of an array similar to how you access elements of a list. Just use the index of the element.

Remember, in Python, indexing starts from 0.
Modifying Array Elements
Modifying an element of an array is also similar to how you do it in a list.

Array Slicing
Python provides a feature called slicing to access a range of elements in an array.

Here, the output array includes the element at the start index, 1, and excludes the element at the end index, 4.
Looping Through an Array
You can use a for loop to iterate through all the elements in an array.

Array Methods
Python arrays (or lists) have many useful methods, such as append to add an element at the end, insert to add an element at a specific position, remove to remove the first occurrence of a specific element, and many more.

we just covered the basics of Python arrays. There's much more to learn, including multi-dimensional arrays and array functions in the NumPy module, which is a powerful library for numerical computations in Python.